Gallop Racing LLC Gallop Racing LLCBETA


Scoring for the Horses in each contest will align with the current "Road to the Kentucky Derby" points system and "Road to the Breeders' Cup" for the given season. The Kentucky Derby contest typically awards points to the top 5 finishers, while the Breeders' Cup contest awards the top 3 finishers in each race.

Points for the Trainers, Jockeys, and Sires (RTTBC Only) are custom to Gallop Racing and only awarded to the connections of the Winning Horses.

The two tables below outline the current scoring for the respective contests:

RTTBC Scoring
  Win Place Show *Sire *Tr./
BC Race 20 12 8 8 14
Grade 1 10 6 4 4 7
Grade 2 6 4 2 2 4
Grade 3 4 2 1 1 3
*Trainer/Jockey/Sire Points are only for the Win Horse.

RTTR Scoring
  W P S 4th 5th *Tr./
Derby 200 120 80 40 20 160
Tier 1 100 50 25 15 10 70
Tier 2 50 25 15 10 5 35
Tier 3 20 10 6 4 2 14
Tier 4 10 5 3 2 1 7
*Trainer/Jockey Points are only for the Win Horse.
Races with 5 entries will earn 75% of points.
Races with <=4 entries will earn 50% of points.
